FAQ about Hand Tied Feather Braid Extensions
1. What is Hand Tied Feather Braid extensions?
This method of hair extensions is the most popular human hair extensions in Korea since a lot of world famous Korean celebrities are weraing this method extenstions. Right now Hand Tied Feather Braid hair extensions is becoming very popular in North America, U.K. and Australia like wild fire.
Small amount of extension hair is braided into small amounts of your own hair at roots and tied up with cotton thread. It is a very labor intensive work. But it’s the most non-invasive and comfortable hair extensions among all.
2. Do you have a video I can watch?
3. How long does it last?
Removal and reinstallation is required every 8 weeks since your roots will be grown. But for reinstallation, you don’t need to buy hair(human hair is $700+ $2K ) like other method extensions, you will pay only labor cost. When you want a break from wearing extensions, we can remove them. You can keep extension hair and bring them when you want to wear them again.
4. Is Hand Tied Feather Braid hair extensions better than Tape-in Extensions?
***** Tape-in Extensions****:
Losing hair or breakage happens when it’s removed because of glue. Hard to comb because baby hair stuck into tape(this is one of the reasons hair loss happens when it’s removes). Have to remove and install every 4-6 weeks(corner of tape will stick out, tape will slip down). Unable to use hair again, when it’s reused, glue doesn’t work like first installation.
You will have very low density of extension hair after a short period of time since extension hair falls out during shampoo. Not recommended for sports or workout which create sweat. Sweat will rdeuce the adhesiveness of gule.
**** Hand Tied Feather Braid Hair Extensions****:
No breakage or hair loss when it’s removed. Easy to comb since no glue used. Removal and reinstallation every 2 months. Reuse the hair up to 1 year depending on how you look after hair.
None of extension hair will fall out during shampoo since it’s braided. This is the only method which is suitable for excessive sweating physical activities.
5. Is Hand Tied Feather Braid Hair Extensions better than Microbeads Extensions?
*Microbeads extensions: Uncomfortable when you sleep, A lot of hair loss & breakage during installation & removal, unable to reuse the hair
*Korean Braid Hair Extensions: Comfortable when you sleep, no hair loss or breakage during installation & removal, able to use hair up to 1 year depending on how you look after hair.
6. Is Hand Tied Feather Braid Extensions is better than Weft Hair Extensions?
Weave Extensions: Hair extensions put a strain on scalp and feels heavy and painful. A lot of times you can see bumps because of thick head of weave hair extensions. The thick head of extension hair is weaved into small part of your own hair. Because of this method, it’s hard to wash, it easily causes scalp infection. Since a small amount of hair holds heavy weight of extensions hair, it could result in hair loss.
Korean Braid Hair Extensions: It feels very comfortable because it’s extremely light and weight is spread evenly. Less
No itchiness and no scalp infection since each strand of extension hair braided evenly whole head not one small part of scalp and it’s easy to shampoo.
7. Is Hand Tied Feather Braid Extensions is better than Keratin glue hair extensions?
We don’t recommend Keratin Glue hair extensions. When it’s removed, glue will be messy causing massive hair breakage and hair loss.
8. I believe I have to come back for removal and reinstallation every 8 weeks, how much does it cost?
Removal cost varies much with how well you looked after extensions, the price range is $90 ~ $220. Reinstallation cost also varies much with thickness & texture of your own hair, how well you looked after extensions, how much expertise required for desired look.
Price range will be $550+ ~ $1K+. No need to buy hair.
9. How long does it take & How much is it(We don’t provide other methods like Tape-in, Clip-in, Weft, K-tip, Nano Beads, Micro Beads, Weave, Sewing, Keratin glue,,etc)?
It takes 3hrs to 7hrs by specialist.
The cost varies much with thickness & length of extesnions you want to purchase & how much expertise required for installation for individual demands. Ballpark price is
*Partial(Human Hair Purchase & Installation): $800+, $1.4K+
*Full Head(Human Hair Purchase & Installation): $1.8K+
10. Do you have good quality hair?
Yes, all our hair is from Korea. We have the top quality remy human hair. For stylists: You can simply order hair from our website.
11. Can I remove them by myself?
Yes, but we don’t recommend it because extension hair could be damaged or your own hair could break. But, if you live in another province or foreign country, we will give you detailed instructions about how to remove.